Reasons to Remove Wisdom Teeth
Some dentists remove wisdom teeth to prevent future problems. Not all dentists agree this is the right thing to do, however. Since healing is easiest at early stages of tooth and jaw development AAOMAS recommends removing all wisdom when the patient is a "young adult" to prevent future problems., however, cites a study by researchers in the Netherlands that concludes there is no reason to remove teeth unless they are causing trouble. recommends fully discussing your options with a licensed dentist.
When you mouth doesn't have enough space for the new tooth to emerge, it becomes impacted. This means that the tooth cannot grow properly and emerge from the gum. Instead, it grows under the gum, crowding other teeth and bones. This can be very painful. According to AAOMS the tooth can even grow in horizontally. Impaction is a common reason for wisdom tooth removal.
Another common reason for tooth removal is infection. Wisdom teeth that only partially emerge from the gum are particularly susceptible to bacterial infection, called pericoronitis. also warns that a fluid filled sac called a cyst can surround teeth growing under the gum. This cyst can damage surrounding tissues, bones and teeth.
Another common reason for the removal of wisdom teeth is a cosmetic one. Whether or not a wisdom tooth is impacted, it can crowd other teeth. If your mouth and jaw are too small to fit the extra tooth your other teeth may be pushed and become crooked. This can be painful and unsightly.