How to Remove Dental Cement From Teeth
Things You'll Need
- Dental pick
- Toothbrush
Identify the areas in the mouth where there are large pieces of cement.
Gently scrape off the larger pieces of cement with a dental pick, being careful not to scrape or scratch the teeth.
Scrape in sections, starting with the back, then moving to the front and then to the opposite side. This will make the process flow easier and quicker.
Rinse your mouth with lukewarm water after each area is scraped to ensure all of the cement is being spit out after each area is scraped clean. You don't want to swallow any of the cement.
Brush your teeth after all areas have been scraped and the large chunks of cement have been removed. Brushing will loosen and remove any of the remaining pieces of cement.
Rinse your mouth with lukewarm water again after brushing.
Contact your dentist for professional removal of dental cement if after following these steps you notice there are still remaining areas of dental cement.