How to Install a Tooth Crown
The placement of a dental crown over a real tooth--which happens if the real tooth is very decayed or fractured--usually requires at least two visits. The first visit involves selecting the shade of the crown that matches the patient’s teeth, taking a preliminary impression of the patient’s teeth, preparing the tooth to be crowned, taking a final impression and placing a temporary crown in the mouth. When it’s time to install the permanent crown, the patient tries the crown on before the dental assistant and dentist cement and finish it, according to “Torres and Ehrlich Modern Dental Assisting.”Things You'll Need
- Permanent crown
- Mirror and explorer
- Backhaus towel forceps
- Cotton rolls
- Cement, mixing pad and spatula
- Wooden stick or Burlew wheel
- Scaler
- Dental floss
- Low-speed handpiece with polishing points and stones
- Articulating paper and holder
Steps to Cement a Permanent Crown
As the dental assistant, transfer the permanent crown to the dentist to try on for fit. Also, transfer the mirror and explorer, which is part of the basic setup of any dental tray. (During this time, the temporary crown also should be removed with an instrument such as the Backhaus towel forceps, and cotton rolls should be placed in the mouth for moisture control.)
Mix the prepared cement to be used to as an adhesive to hold the permanent crown in place. Rapidly apply the mixed cement in the inside surface of the crown, and transfer the prepared crown to the dentist.
As the dentist places the crown on the prepared tooth and presses it into place, instruct the patient to continue biting down on a wooden bite stick or Burlew wheel for about eight to 10 minutes. After the cement has set, remove the cotton rolls from the mouth.
Remain with the patient as the dentist uses an explorer and/or scaler to carefully remove excess cement from the teeth. Pass dental floss with tied knots between the teeth to further remove excess cement.
Stay with the patient as the dentist polishes the dental crown by using polishing points in a low-speed handpiece. Check the patient’s bite with articulating paper to make sure the crown is functioning properly, and record the procedure in the patient’s dental record.