What Are Dental Bridges Made Out Of?
A dental bridge takes the place of a missing tooth. It fills the space for either aesthetic reasons or so that chewing food is easier. Bridges are typically made of three parts: the pontic tooth, the crown, and the cement.-
Pontic Tooth
A pontic tooth is a type of fake tooth. This tooth is the main part of the bridge.
The crown is a cap that goes on the pontic tooth and keeps it together. This is the part of the bridge that makes sure the shape and size of the bridge is appropriate.
The cement is what keeps the tooth in the patient's mouth. A type of resin cement might be used in a resin bonded bridge.
Abutment Teeth
Abutment teeth are the teeth on either side of the bridge. The bridge is cemented to these teeth to keep it firmly in place.
Metal Bands
In a resin bonded bridge, the tooth will be cemented to the abutment teeth via metal bands. This is typically the case when a bridge is needed for one of the front teeth.