How to Get Help Paying for Dental Procedures
How To Get Help Paying for Dental Procedures
Utilize dental insurance to pay for part or all of the cost of dental procedures. Dental insurance can commonly be purchased through an employer with a discount. It can also be purchased without involving an employer.
Utilize a Health Savings Account (HSA) to pay for dental procedures with pre-tax dollars. HSAs are available through most major employers when the employee opts for a high-deductible health insurance policy.
Apply for state-funded dental insurance if your financial situation prohibits you from purchasing a dental policy. Many states offer dental insurance to their residents based upon financial need. Inquire for more information about what your state has to offer at a welfare office in your local area.
Obtain dental care at a dental school. Dental students must practice on real patients before graduating from dental schools. As a result, many dental schools operate dental clinics with discount fees. Expect appointments to be longer in duration than when seeing a regular dentist. A dentist teacher must oversee all of the work of the dental student. But the extra time involved will end up saving you money.