How to Recover From Gum Graph Surgery
Don't use ice. After gum graft surgery, you will experience some swelling and bruising in the area. This is normal. Although ice is generally good to reduce swelling and inflammation, it is not recommended in the case of gum graft surgery recovery, because the dryness of the ice can stick to the graft area and cause it to move. Take an over-the-counter anti-inflammatory instead.
Rinse with warm water and salt. Sea salt is best, but table salt will also help to speed healing and prevent infection. Mix one cup of lukewarm water with one teaspoon of salt and gargle three times a day for at least two weeks after the procedure. Make sure to swish very gently the first few days to avoid moving the graft.
Eat soft foods for the first week after gum graft surgery. Soups, mashed vegetables and fish are good options. Oatmeal, porridge, and soft fruits like bananas are also good. Avoid crunchy foods or anything that may have sharp edges such as chips, crunchy cereals and cookies. Drinking green tea between meals is also recommended--it helps reduce inflammation. Make sure to eat a healthy diet throughout your recovery to keep your immune system strong and avoid infection.
Avoid strenuous activity for the first 48 hours. Don't lift heavy items or perform physically demanding activities that can cause bleeding in the area and delay healing. Get sufficient sleep in order to not tax your immune system and invite infection.
Maintain oral hygiene. Your periodontist will give you clear instructions on how to get the best post operative results. In general, the first 12 hours after the procedure you will not brush your teeth at all and use an over-the-counter mouthwash or one provided to you by your periodontist. Once you are back to brushing, be very careful to avoid the graft area.
Stop smoking. One of the most important things needed for a gum graft to successfully attach to its new location is a healthy supply of blood. Smoking restricts blood flow to the tissue, which delays and can even impair healing, rendering the procedure a failure. Don't smoke if you want your gum graft surgery to be a success.