Job Duties of a Dentist
A general practice dentist cares for your teeth and mouth tissues by using equipment such as mouth mirrors, probes, forceps, brushes, drills, fillings and X-ray machines. Many employ professional hygienists to clean their patients' teeth.
Dentists can instruct you on how diet, brushing and flossing can improve your dental health, and give advice on how to avoid future problems, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.
General practice dentists fill cavities, straighten teeth, add sealants and perform surgery to treat gum diseases, remove tooth decay and add crowns and other structures to protect or replace teeth. Specialists can straighten teeth and correct overbites, or perform surgeries that are beyond the expertise of general practice dentists.
Specific duties vary according to specialties. For example, orthodontists straighten teeth with braces; pediatric dentists handle the needs of children; endodontists perform root canals; and oral surgeons operate on the mouth and jaws.
Many dentists work as solo practitioners in their own business and need to tend to the needs of running their operation. Most, however, relegate administrative duties to administrative staff, whom they can then supervise.