Post Wisdom Teeth Removal
After Surgery
When you wake up, there will gauze over the surgical sites to staunch any bleeding. Once you get home, you can remove the gauze. Be careful not to touch the area as it can cause infection or make it bleed. As the anesthetic wears off, you may begin to feel pain. Your doctor will have prescribed pain medication for this purpose. If you are feeling pain or discomfort, take the medication. You will probably feel groggy for the remainder of the day, so plan to rest during that time and not resume normal activities.
The holes caused by the extractions will probably bleed on and off for a few days. If you experience bleeding, place clean gauze on the wounds for 30 minutes to staunch the blood. Another common symptom following wisdom teeth removal is facial swelling. In many cases, your face will not swell until a few days after the surgery. To minimize swelling, begin using cold compresses or ice packs on your face immediately following surgery. Try to use these compresses as much as possible for the first two or three days following surgery.
After the surgery try to drink some water, but avoid eating straightaway. When you do get hungry, try to eat soft foods and avoid chewing anywhere near the site of surgery. It is important you eat foods high in calories and protein to assist the healing process, and make sure you drink at least five glasses of water per day. Though you should not rinse out your mouth the day of the surgery, it is important you then rinse five or six times per day with warm salt water to remove food particles from your mouth.