What to Expect the First Day of Having a Tooth Implant
Dental implants can replace damaged or missing teeth.
Before the Surgery
Most tooth implant surgery is performed on an outpatient basis, in either a dentist's office or the hospital. If you will be undergoing general anesthesia, you'll be instructed not to eat or drink after a certain time the night before. You should wear comfortable clothing and having someone drive you to the appointment.
During Surgery
You'll be given either local or general anesthesia. The surgeon will cut into your gum and drill into your jawbone and attach the implant cylinder.
After the Operation
Once you are awake and alert, you will be allowed to go home. Your doctor will prescribe medication for pain and may also prescribe an antibiotic. You may also be given a temporary denture or bridge to use while you wait for the implant to be completed.
At Home
You may experience some pain and swelling and even bruising at the surgery site and of your face on that side. Some people also experience nausea from the anesthesia. Plan to eat a soft diet for five to seven days after surgery.
It can take two to six months for the jawbone to grow around the implant cylinder. This growth must take place before the implantation can be completed.