Tooth Implant Complications
Dental Implants
According to, dental implants have changed the face of dentistry. The best option today is to get a permanent tooth. These teeth can be used just like your natural teeth. Not only do these teeth work just like natural teeth, they also look and feel like your own teeth.
Most people who have dental implants never experience any type of complications. However, sometimes problems do occur. Some problems may even be serious.
After you receive your implants, your bone and gums that are around the implant may get infected. According to, this usually occurs when the implant is first screwed into the bone and can be corrected with antibiotics.
Rejection and Implant Overload
Your body may not accept the implant and then may try to rid itself of the foreign body, according to AtlantaDentalImplants. After the implant is in, the bones may become overloaded because of the biting pressure. You can help this by reducing the pressure until the bones are completely healed.
Failure happens when the metal holding the implant breaks. This happens rarely but if it does happen, the implant has to be removed.
Bone Loss and Inflammation
Bone loss can occur naturally; this is periodontal disease. According to, bone loss may begin to occur around the implant. To prevent this, continue to have regular X-rays of implants taken to observe the bone surrounding the implants.