How to Quickly Recover From Wisdom Tooth Extraction
The most important part of recovering from a wisdom tooth extraction is making sure you get adequate rest. You may want to take a few days off work or schedule your surgery for a Friday afternoon so that you can recover over the weekend. Avoid any strenuous activity that might pull at your stitches or dislodge any blood clots in your tooth socket for at least a week.
Leave the gauze your dentist or surgeon used to pack the wound in place for at least 30 minutes. Change as directed. Don't spit blood, as this can dislodge a clot. If minor bleeding persists, you can use a lukewarm or cold tea bag as a poultice. The tannin in tea will help reduce swelling and bleeding, and will also help provide relief from discomfort.
Elevate your head while sleeping to reduce swelling overnight. Use ice packs during the day.
Food and Drink
Soft foods are the best while you recover from your extraction. Oatmeal, yogurt, mashed potatoes and applesauce are good choices. Spicy foods will irritate your socket, and hard or crunchy foods could dislodge clots. Meanwhile, staying hydrated will also speed your recovery. Stick with water for the most part and especially avoid caffeine, alcohol and hot beverages. Do not use a straw to drink as the sucking action could dislodge clots.
Oral Hygeine
After 24 hours you may brush and floss as usual, though you may wish to avoid the affected side of your mouth if it is tender. Do not use mouthwash, especially if it contains alcohol. You could inhibit clotting and prolong bleeding. Instead, use a salt water rinse every few hours and after meals.
Pain Management and Medications
Take pain relievers, either prescription or over-the-counter, as directed by your doctor, and be sure to take the entire course of any antibiotics you are prescribed. Ice or a cold pack against your jaw, initially used to reduce swelling, can also help reduce pain. If any complications arise or if you experience prolonged or severe pain, see your dentist or oral surgeon immediately.
If you smoke, abstain for at least 24 hours or longer, if possible. Sucking on cigarettes risks dislodging blood clots. Smoking also interferes with blood flow to the healing area, delaying recovery. If you chew tobacco, abstain for at least a week.