The Average Cost of a Dental Crown
According to the history of dental crowns stretches back to 166-201 A.D. when the Etruscans made gold crowns and practiced bridgework. In 1530 Artzney Buchlein wrote "The Little Medicinal Book for All Kinds of Diseases and Infirmities of the Teeth." This book was the first book that was entirely about dentistry, and it covered topics such as hygiene, extraction and the placement of gold fillings. In 1746, Claude Mouton promotes white enameling for gold crowns for a more natural look. The use of crowns is still prevalent in dentistry practices today. Although methods and materials have advanced, the basic principle of the crown has remained the same.
Resin and Porcelain Crowns
- lists three main varieties of crowns. These types include resin and porcelain crowns, gold crowns, and porcelain and metal crowns. Each type of crown has its distinct properties that sets it apart from the rest. Resin and porcelain crowns have the most natural appearance according to These crowns can be manufactured with only ceramic, or composite resin. They are hard to identify among natural teeth. These crowns are also metal free for patients who are allergic.
Gold and Metal Crowns
Gold crowns have been used for the longest period of time, due to gold being extremely easy to contour. According to, gold crowns have the best fit compared to other crown varieties. Gold crowns are also extremely durable, and will not chip.
The last type of crown is the porcelain and metal crown. These crowns, like the resin and porcelain crowns, have a natural look. However, a slightly darker line around the edge of these types of crowns may be visible. These crowns are composed of porcelain fused to metal.
Crowns serve as a solution to many common dental problems. lists crowns as being solutions to teeth grinding, bite problems, fillings, tooth decay and the wearing out, cracking or breaking of teeth. According to, dental crowns cover the entire tooth surface and add strength, durability and stability to the tooth.
- estimates the average cost of a dental crown to be anywhere from $500 to $3,000 per tooth. Costs depend on materials used, location of the crown, difficulty of the crown placement, insurance coverage and the dentist that is performing the procedure. estimates a similar price to that of They estimate the cost of a crown being anywhere from $600 to $3,000 for a single tooth.