Instructions After Periodontal Flap Surgery
Treating Pain
For mild to medium pain, consider a strong dose of Tylenol or Advil. Your dentist might prescribe stronger pain pills, but these should only be taken when the pain is severe. For the first 24 hours, use a cold compress or ice pack on the area, alternating between 25 minutes on and 5 minutes off. After the first day following the procedure, switch to a warm compress or hot, damp rag.
Preventing Infection
Do not rinse the surgical area until 12 hours after the procedure. Even then, avoid commercial mouth rinses and instead use warm salt water. Gently rinse the area; do not swish too roughly. In order to prevent infection, do not smoke for three days following the procedure. Beyond that, smoking within two weeks can lead to a painful side effect called dry sockets.
While you do not want to chew on the side of the mouth that has been operated on, proper nutrition is essential during the healing process. Choose foods that are easy to swallow but nutritionally sound, such as a fortified drink, yogurt or cottage cheese with fruit. Less nutritional but popular favorites include mashed potatoes with gravy and chocolate mousse. When drinking, avoid using a straw for a couple of weeks to avoid dry sockets.
About Dry Sockets
Dry sockets are a painful side effect in which the area that once held a tooth does not properly close. This can be caused by rinsing, smoking or using a straw too soon after the procedure. You know you have dry sockets when the affected area starts to throb. Eventually, the pain becomes so intense it keeps you awake at night. You need to call your dentist, who will pack the wound and prescribe pain medication.