How to Deal With Dental Surgery
Let your employer know that you need to have dental surgery done. Prior to the surgery, your dentist can give you a general idea about recovery times. Give your employer adequate notice so that you can take off the appropriate time to recover.
Ask for a price estimate prior to scheduling the surgery. You can submit this to your insurance company in order to determine ahead of time how much you will have to pay. Remember to check with your dental insurance company if the oral surgery needs to be precertified in order for benefits to be paid.
Head to the supermarket before you have your oral surgery performed. In order to make things go more smoothly following the procedure, shop for foods you are permitted to eat. You may need to eat soft foods, like gelatin, yogurt and pudding that do not require chewing
Review the instructions provided to you by the dentist. To ensure that things go smoothly, follow them implicitly. This may involve stopping certain medications prior to the procedure or not having anything to eat or drink if anesthesia is involved. You may also be given antibiotics to take beforehand to prevent infection.
Get emergency contact information from your oral surgeon's office. Keep these numbers in case you are having pain, swelling or bleeding at the site and need to notify the dentist.