Natural Dental Antibiotic Alternatives
Echinacea has a natural antibiotic called echinacoside that fights bacteria. According to a study at the University of Munich, Echinacea was proven to be one of the best natural antibiotics. Echinacea helps destroy germs, heal gum inflammation and minor tooth infections. It also has pain killing properties that can soothe a toothache. For best results, use fresh Echinacea root that has recently been dug from the ground.
Garlic, also called nature's penicillin, is a natural antibiotic that can repress infections in the body and reduce toothache pain. Allicin, a compound in garlic, acts as an antibiotic that inhibits germs when garlic is crushed or chopped. Put a clove of garlic or a crushed garlic glove directly on the tooth. Add a small amount of rock salt or clove oil to relieve the pain.
Colloidal Silver
Colloidal Silver is a mineral and natural antibiotic that can be very effective for some dental problems. It is non-toxic and has no side affects. Gargle with colloidal silver to help prevent tooth decay and treat sore teeth and inflamed gums. It's best to use the mineral when it's fresh. Colloidal Silver may also help prevent periodontal disease because of its strong effect on bacteria.