How To Fix Pointy Canines With Cosmetic Dentistry
Visit your dentist to determine the cosmetic dentistry options that are right for you. Depending on your dentist's speciality, you may be referred to a cosmetic dentist.
Consider enamelplasty to fix pointy canine teeth. This procedure involves contouring and reshaping canine teeth so they appear more rounded rather than pointy.
Consider veneers to make your canine teeth appear less pointy. Veneers are a thin covering applied to teeth to enhance their appearance.
Ask your dentist about having your canine teeth bonded. Your dentist will create a resin that used to fill in gaps, chips and tooth discoloration. This could help reduce the appearance of pointy canine teeth.
Visit your dentist twice a year for regular check ups after cosmetic dentistry to ensure your teeth look their best and are healthy.