Signs of Dental Implant Infection
Pain is normal after an implant is placed; your dentist will prescribe pain killers to be taken after surgery so that you are comfortable. If the pain does not diminish over time, or if pain increases again after it has gone away, it could be a sign that the implant site has become infected. Especially if it is months or years after your implant was placed, pain could indicate that you have a dental implant infection.
Redness in the Area Around the Implant
All dental surgery, including placing an implant, can damage nerves. In some cases, the area around the implant may become numb. This means that you may not always feel pain in the early stages of any infection. Any redness or swelling around an implant should be considered a warning sign of a dental implant infection.
Loose Implant
If you notice that the replacement tooth in the implant site doesn't seem to be as firmly attached as it used to be, it may be because the implant site has become infected. Just as periodontal disease can cause bone lose that leads to loose teeth, an infection around a dental implant can cause loss of bone around the implant. If you lose bone around the implant, it may become loose.
Unpleasant Taste
Bacteria in the mouth can cause an unpleasant taste. If you have carefully brushed and flossed, and still notice an unpleasant taste, there may be bacteria hiding in a place that your usual brushing and flossing can't reach. If you've developed an infection around the implant, you could have deep dental pockets around the implant that are inhabited by bacteria that home-based dental hygiene can't eradicate.
Unpleasant Smell
Bacteria can cause bad breath. If you have halitosis that persists after brushing, flossing and rinsing with mouthwash, it may be caused by an infection around your dental implant. Your dentist will be able to tell if a dental implant infection is the source of the unpleasant smell.