Permanent Partial Dentures
Individuals who get permanent partial dentures are generally those who have their crowns removed or suffer from either moved teeth or loose gums. Permanent partial dentures are built to fill in the gaps that are produced by moved or removed teeth. These are essential because individuals with the gaps between their teeth cannot eat or chew food properly.
The construction of permanent partial dentures is rather complex. It's an expensive procedure and a big investment. Also, when the permanent partial dentures are first placed into the mouth, people might experience pain and discomfort for the first few days or weeks. As with any other type of surgical procedure, some minor swelling or bruising might occur as a result of the permanent partial dentures being inserted.
There are also a lot of benefits to permanent partial dentures. As people generally live longer, having durable and strong permanent teeth is more important than ever--and many people don't feel that removable dentures suffice. Many believe removable dentures are unreliable, unstable and feel loose in the mouth. Also, permanent partial dentures look and feel much more natural than their removable counterparts.
There are two basic main types of permanent partial dentures: those held in by cast retention clasps, and those kept in place by precision attachments that fit perfectly into slots or connect onto rings that are then built into extensions of crowns.
Dentists can construct permanent partial dentures for people even if they still have a few damaged teeth remaining. Even though this process is possible, it's advised that damaged teeth be eliminated from the mouth (or fixed) before the permanent partial denture is constructed. This is to ensure that the permanent partial denture always fits properly.