About Dentures With Clasps
Dentures with clasps are designed to "fill in" holes where you are missing teeth. They rely on your natural teeth to hold them in place. They are largely cosmetic, however, since usually they are not that sturdy, although they appear natural and firm when they are in the mouth.
Dentures with clasps are made of one or more false teeth embedded in acrylic gums. This construction is then held in place in the mouth using pressure and clasps that hook onto the firmly rooted natural teeth. The clasps hook around the top of the front and the back of the anchor teeth. Dentures with clasps are usually relatively inexpensive and can be supplemented with more false teeth if additional teeth are lost.
Dentures with clasps are often called "flippers" because they are easy to snap in an out. Even better, you can have dentures with clasps made before you have teeth removed, then begin wearing them after a teeth are pulled. Another type of denture that also has a clasp is called a Nesbit RPD. This type of denture also has clasps, but the clasps are made of flexible nylon-based plastic. They look very natural and will not harm you if you accidentally swallow them.
Dentures with clasps are hard to detect and generally do not need to be removed before eating. Depending on the location of the false teeth, they may actually help stabilize your natural teeth and make your bite more powerful. Dentures with clasps are also fairly inexpensive and are easy to alter if the condition of your mouth changes. Dentures with clasps can support four or more teeth in some cases in between the natural teeth.
Before purchasing dentures with clasps, make sure that they will adequately meet your needs. If you have few remaining teeth, then dentures with clasps may actually loosen your natural teeth over time. You might want to get dentures that are less reliant on your existing teeth to remain in place. Also, be sure that you are clear in your expectations for dentures with clasps. If you are looking for something that will function in an identical manner to your old, natural teeth, then you may need to investigate dental implants instead of dentures.
As with any dental appliance, never buy dentures with clasps from someone who is not a medical professional. Dentures with clasps are not particularly expensive compared to other options for false teeth, but there are people out there who profess to sell them "at a discount" and will give you inproperly fitted or even old dentures that were not designed for your mouth. Always work with a trusted dental professional when you are getting fitted for dentures and learning how to wear and use them.