Step-By-Step Denture Making
The process begins with the dentist examining the remaining teeth and gums of the patient. An impression is taken of the mouth with a dough-like clay set on a plastic or metal stock tray that fits inside the mouth. An impression is made of both the upper and lower jaw. Once the clay is rubbery and stiff it is removed and checked to make sure an accurate impression was made.
Plaster of Paris is poured into the mold. This dries and becomes the first model is used to create custom trays. The stock trays from the first impression only come in a few sizes and rarely produce a precise enough model. The custom tray allows for an accurately fitting mold and model.
The custom tray, filled with the same clay as before, is then used to create another mold of the patient's mouth. Once it is dried it is removed and checked for accuracy. The patient then bites down into flat sticks of dental wax. The impressions created show how the teeth come together. Other measurements are taken, such as the size and color of the remaining teeth.
In the lab, plaster of Paris is used to create the new models. These models are secured onto a device called an articulator. This allows the molds to be adjusted so the bite matches up with the impressions of the bite position made in the dental wax.
A special pink denture wax is formed onto the model to mimic the shape of the gums. Porcelain teeth are used for the front teeth and plastic teeth are used for the back teeth. The teeth are selected from a variety of sizes, shapes, and colors available from manufacturers. They are selected using the size and color measurements the dentist took. A hot knife is used to heat the wax "gums," and the teeth are set into the wax. The top and bottom teeth are aligned for chewing.
The dentist has the patient try on the dentures and any adjustments are made. The dentures are returned to the lab where a mold of the dentures is taken. This mold is used to create the final dentures make with dental plastic. Once the clay of the mold is hard it is boiled to remove the wax. The teeth remain in the mold in their correct position. Melted plastic is then poured into the mold to create the final dentures. When it is dry the excess plastic is trimmed off and polished. The dentist has the patient try on the dentures one last time, and any places that create sour spots are trimmed.