How to Extract Wisdom Teeth

Getting your wisdom teeth taken out can be a frightening experience since it involves a lot of pain and sometimes problems. However, you can prepare yourself by learning a little bit about the procedure of how to extract wisdom teeth beforehand.


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      Removing your wisdom teeth first begins through a discussion with your dentist. Most will inform you when it is time to have your wisdom teeth removed rather than you having to ask them. This is a great time to ask any questions you might have as well as determine the cost and the best time to have them removed. Most people choose to do it later in the week or when they are on vacation from school or work so that they have plenty of time to recuperate.

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      Prior to the actual removal of your wisdom teeth your dentist may provide you with some medication to take the day of your procedure before you come into the office. Generally, this is a relaxation pill that will be beneficial in taking the edge off before you even come in.

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      Once at the dentist's office, you will be taken back to the procedure room, which may look slightly different than the normal exam and cleaning room. Generally a dental assistant will take your pulse or blood pressure. They will also make sure that you are ready for the procedure and answer any last minute questions you may have.

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      Getting your mouth numb and ready for the removal of the teeth is the next step. While a dentist may do this, generally he or she will leave it up to a dental assistant or hygienist that is qualified to administer anesthetics. Some will simply numb your mouth by injecting a deadening agent in various spots while others will provide you with nitrous oxide to put you to sleep during the procedure. If you have a preference as to what you prefer, discuss this with your dentist beforehand.

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      After your mouth is numb or you are asleep the dentist will begin the process of extracting your wisdom teeth. In some cases your wisdom teeth will be developed enough that the dentist will be able to simply pull them out. However, if this does not occur he or she will have to use a special drill to remove them. Once they are all out of your mouth, your dentist will stitch up the area if needed or simply pack it with gauze.

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      Returning home and recovering from your wisdom teeth procedure takes much longer and can become more bothersome than the actual procedure itself. Your dentist will provide pain medication as well as a special cleaning solution to keep your mouth clean since you won't feel like brushing your teeth for the next few days. It is important that you follow the instructions provided by your dentist since problems can occur if the holes left by your wisdom teeth become infected.

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      If necessary you should follow-up with your dentist. Most dentists don't require a follow-up appointment unless you received stitches during the procedure or you've developed a problem since having them removed. However, should you have any questions or concerns afterwards, you should contact your dentist right away.

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