How to Recover From Dental Implant Surgery
Have someone else drive you home from your dental implant surgery. You can't drive if you were given a medication to make you drowsy.
Start taking your prescribed pain medication and antibiotics as soon as you get home. It's better to take them before the surgery meds wear off and you're mouth begins to ache.
Prop your head up with extra pillows for the first one or two nights. This will help reduce swelling.
Expect some bleeding in the days following the dental implant surgery. Fold gauze into small squares and insert it into your mouth, over the bleeding area. Bite down. Apply pressure to the bleeding area for 20 minutes. Replace the gauze if it becomes soaked in blood.
Hold a cold compress or ice pack to your face it you experience swelling. Keep it on for 30 minutes, then remove it for 30 minutes. This should be done within the first 48 hours.
Eat a light diet comprised of soft foods while you recover. Avoid hot foods but load up on fluids. You should sip water, fruit juice or milk every 15 to 20 minutes.
Brush your teeth like you usually do, but avoid the implant area. Use the mouth wash provided to keep the implant area clean.