How to Eat After Re-Cementing a Crown

A crown is usually a permanent top that completely covers a damaged tooth to protect it. However, crowns first may be cemented temporarily into place for a period of two to three weeks to determine fit and comfort and to ensure no adverse effects occur. If the crown comes loose during this period, it needs to be re-cemented. You can reduce the chance of the crown falling off while the cement still is setting by taking care when eating and drinking following the crown procedure.


    • 1

      Abstain from eating during the first hour after having the crown re-cemented.

    • 2

      Drink liquid slowly to keep hydrated, as needed, but do not swish the liquid around in your mouth.

    • 3

      Begin eating, as needed, after you have waited an hour. Chew food slowly and carefully on one side of your mouth, ideally on the side opposite the crown, if possible.

    • 4

      Choose foods that are soft and easy to chew during this period. Wait one day until resuming normal chewing and eating habits.

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