How to Take an Impression of the Whole Mouth for Dentures
Preliminary Alginate Impressions
Allow the dental assistant to size the metal impression trays for both upper and lower arches, this will involve her trying different sizes until the correct fit is found. The correct fit is found when it covers the entire arch and down into the vestibule of both arches, The vestibule is the areas between the lips and the teeth.
Allow the dental assistant to take the alginate preliminary impressions. She will do this one arch at a time. The material will be mixed and placed in the tray. She will then place the tray in the mouth, using her fingers to seat the tray all the way. The impression material has a gritty minty taste to it. Try not to swallow it. If it gets on the tongue, allow it to set, so it then peels off easily.
Keep open while the dental assistant removes the impression. It may be difficult to remove and you may hear a popping or squishing sound when the suction finally releases and the tray is able to be removed. Occasionally there is some bleeding of the gums when the tray is removed.
Rinse your mouth with the water the dental assistant gives you and then spit it into the cuspidor when she offers it. She will then repeat this procedure with the opposite arch before scheduling you for your next appointment in a series for the making of dentures, allowing the dentist time to create the custom tray from acrylic.
Rubber Base Custom Tray Final Impressions
Return to the dental office at the appointed day and time.
Allow the dental assistant to try in the custom tray that has been made from the previous impression. If it fits properly she will coat it with rubber base adhesive. She will also dispense the rubber base impression material that will be mixed and used by the dentist.
Allow the dentist to take the final impressions with the rubber base impression material. She will start once arch at a time. Rubber base smells a lot like airplane glue and does not taste much better. It is likely the patient will salivate because of the rubber base material, the dental assistant will suction while the material sets up.
Endure one more rubber base impression by the dentist of the opposite arch. Once he has taken this last impression, the dental assistant will provide a cup of water to rinse with and a cuspidor to spit the water and any excess pieces of rubber base into. A new appointment will be made to continue with the denture process.