Where can I find a dentist in Sacramento that will work pro bono?
- Website: http://www.sacramentocountydentalsociety.com/
- Phone: (916) 443-4343
- This society provides a list of dentists who offer reduced-fee or pro bono services.
Sacramento Health Care for the Homeless:
- Website: http://www.shch.com/
- Phone: (916) 452-2755
- This organization offers dental care to homeless individuals.
Sacramento City College Dental Hygiene Clinic:
- Website: http://www.scc.losrios.edu/dental/
- Phone: (916) 558-2431
- This clinic offers reduced-cost dental care to the public.
Loaves & Fishes of Sacramento:
- Website: http://www.loavesfishes.org/
- Phone: (916) 442-6633
- This organization provides a free dental clinic every Wednesday from 8:30 am to 12 pm.
Catholic Charities of Sacramento:
- Website: http://www.catholiccharities.com/
- Phone: (916) 452-2755
- This organization provides dental care to low-income individuals on a sliding-scale fee basis.