How to Redo a Core Buildup Crown
Things You'll Need
- High-speed hand piece
- Cutting bur
- Matrix band
- Wedges
- Self-etching primer/bonding system
- Micro-brushes
- Curing light
- Light-cured core buildup material
- Condensing instrument
Remove any existing restorations completely, including old fillings or crowns. Excavate all the decay with a high-speed hand piece and a cutting bur. Isolate the tooth by placing a matrix band around the tooth. Insert a wedge interproximally between the matrix band and adjacent teeth if there is any missing tooth structure present.
Rinse and dry the tooth thoroughly. Place a self-etching primer onto the tip of a micro-brush. Insert the tip of the brush onto the internal portion of the tooth that you are wishing to replace. Move the brush back and forth for 20 seconds. Air dry the tooth.
Place the bonding agent onto a separate micro-brush. Apply the bonding agent directly onto the tooth structure. Thin the material out by gently air drying it. Place a curing light directly onto the area. Activate the curing light for 10 seconds.
Insert light-cured core material into the internal portion of the tooth. Pack the material down, using a condensing instrument of your choice. Obtain a layer of material that is approximately 8 mm in depth. Light cure the material for at least 20 seconds. Continue layering the core material until the internal tooth structure has been replaced. Make sure each new layer is cured completely with the light.
Remove the wedges and matrix band from the tooth. Activate the curing light on every surface of the tooth for an additional 10 seconds. Shape the tooth as needed.