How to Care for an Extracted Molar
Things You'll Need
- Sterile gauze
- Ice pack or cold compress
- Soft, clean cloth
- Table salt
Keep fresh sterile gauze on the extraction site while it is still bleeding. The dentist will provide you with sterile gauze so you can replace it as needed. Keep it firmly in place by biting down gently. Check on it every five minutes at first; increase the time as the bleeding slows down until you no longer need the gauze.
Wrap an ice pack or cold compress with a soft, clean cloth and hold it to the side of your face to help lessen swelling. In addition to bringing down the swelling, this will help to numb the area and provide some pain relief.
Consume only liquids for the first 24 hours to avoid aggravating the extraction site. Avoid alcohol and spicy beverages, as these will irritate the area and cause more pain. Do not use a straw during the first 24 to 48 hours, as this can interfere with the blood clotting in the extraction site and prolong recovery. After 24 hours, you may begin to consume soft foods. Avoid small particles such as rice, and hard, crunchy things such as potato chips.
Relax the first 24 hours after surgery to allow the to blood clot undisturbed. For the next couple of days, limit your activity as much as possible.
Rinse your mouth out with warm salt water after the first 24 hours. This helps to keep the area clean and reduce the pain. After 24 hours, you may resume brushing your teeth, but use caution and stay away from the extraction site.