How to Permanently Glue a Tooth Into False Teeth
Make an appointment with a dentist who has a dental laboratory on the premises. Alternatively, your regular dentist can likely send the denture to a lab for repair if she doesn't have a dental laboratory.
Allow the dentist to test the denture to see if he can troubleshoot the reason the tooth fell out. Your denture may need adjustment.
Bite down on the articulating bite paper the dentist will place between your teeth to make sure everything hits evenly as you bite down.
Hold a mirror and watch as the dentist chooses a tooth and a shade for the new tooth. Often, teeth that have fallen out cannot be put back in to a denture and you will need a fresh tooth.
If the dentist is going to repair the denture on the spot, ask to watch. The dentist will mix a putty mixture with an accelerant. He will work it between his hands into a hotdog shape, then line the inside of the denture with this material and let it harden. When he separates putty mixture from the denture, he will have a perfect template of the arch the denture is for, either upper or lower.
The dentist will next use a round bur on a slowspeed handpiece to grind out the acrylic where the tooth was. She will also drill a hole through the space where the tooth is missing to allow the acrylic to flow into that area, as a way of locking in the acrylic when she replaces the tooth.
The back of the new acrylic tooth is ground at an angle on a lathe, allowing for acrylic under it. Once the tooth has been trimmed to properly fit the space, the dentist will mix pink monomer and polymer and scoop it into the area the tooth is to fit. He will then push the tooth into the space, put the denture back on the template and put it in hot water in a pressure jar until the acrylic sets. The heat and pressure help prevent bubbles and give the acrylic a smooth finish.
Once the denture has been in the hot pressured water long enough, the dentist will remove the denture and with a slow speed drill remove any excess acrylic. After that, she will polish the denture with a rag wheel and pumice to make it shiny.
Open your mouth and allow the dentist to insert the denture. Bite on the articulating paper once more so he can make sure the bite is even. If the bite is good, and there are no other problems, the dentist will release you with your repaired denture intact.