Alternative Ways to Extract an Impacted Wisdom Tooth
Problems Caused By Wisdom Teeth Erupting Normally
Wisdom teeth are the last teeth to erupt -- emerge, and are furthest from the front of the mouth, making them difficult to maintain oral hygiene. Wisdom teeth are not the reason that other teeth crowd, but they can put pressure on others; because they take up valuable space and press on teeth next to them, perpetuating a domino effect. Wisdom teeth are prone to decay, and periodontal or gum disease.
Problems with Wisdom Teeth Erupting Abnormally
Often, due to lack of space, a wisdom tooth can only partially erupt, or cannot erupt at all and are then considered an impaction. Impacted wisdom teeth bring with them a multitude of problems. Partially erupted wisdom teeth produce a painful condition called pericoronitis. This occurs because food collects under the inflamed tissue where the tooth is trying to erupt. Wisdom teeth that never erupt can get cystic, destroying bone and other supporting tooth structures.
Conventional Extraction of Wisdom Teeth
Some dentists enjoy the challenge of removing uncomplicated, erupted wisdom teeth. Others refer to a specialist, an oral surgeon. After anesthetic administration, the tooth is rotated out of the socket with a forceps. Sometimes, instead of forceps, the dentist or surgeon uses an instrument called an periosteal -- bone elevator, wedging it between the wisdom tooth and the adjacent tooth. He uses the adjacent tooth as leverage, forcing the wisdom tooth out of the socket. The patient bites on gauze, is given extra gauze with post-operative instructions and is then sent home. Usually there is not much post-operative discomfort or swelling.
Surgical Removal of Partially Erupted Wisdom Teeth
Impacted wisdom teeth are almost always referred to the oral surgeon. The patient is given IV sedation, in addition to anesthetizing the teeth, making the procedure more comfortable. A scalpel incises and flaps away the tissue around the impacted tooth. A hand piece and surgical bur will section the tooth in half. The tooth halves and roots are then lifted out. Pieces of bone or tooth are carefully washed out and the gum tissue flap is closed and sutured. If the sutures are not dissolvable, the patient returns for removal. Swelling and post-operative pain is minimal, but pain medication and antibiotics assist in healing.
Surgical Removal of Un-erupted Wisdom Teeth
Un-erupted wisdom tooth removal is the most difficult removal. It is always done by an oral surgeon with IV sedation. A scalpel flaps open the gums over the area of the tooth location. A hand-piece and surgical bur drill through the bone covering the tooth. Once uncovered, the tooth is sectioned and removed, or the surgeon will continue to drill around the tooth to remove the bone and the tooth removed whole. Sutures close the surgical site, with removal at a later appointment. This extraction almost always creates swelling of the mouth and face. Pain medication and antibiotics are necessary.