Dental Lumineers Vs. Veeners
Traditional veneers are a sleeve that fits over a tooth. Lumineers are a thin (0.2 mm), translucent, patented Cerinate porcelain veneer applied directly onto the front of the tooth without the pain and time that can accompany a traditional veneer application.
When veneers are applied, the teeth have to be sanded down before the veneer is placed onto the tooth. Lumineers are thin and require minimal polishing or buffing before application.
Lumineers are placed on teeth without grinding down of the teeth, so they can be removed. Because of the preparation that goes into applying veneers, they are permanent.
With traditional veneers, you may have to avoid food or beverages that could stain your veneers. There are no restrictions on foods or drinks with Lumineers.
Life Expectancy
Traditional veneers last anywhere between 10 to 20 years. Lumineers website states that they can last up to 20 years and beyond.
When looking into traditional veneers or Lumineers, the cost can be anywhere between $500 and $1,300 a tooth. The pricing depends on where you live and who does the application.