How to Compare Lumineers to Traditional Dental Veneers
Choose Lumineers if you are extremely sensitive to pain or prefer to have a procedure that is less invasive. Lumineers require only minimal grinding and polishing of your teeth before application (from 0 to .2 mm), while traditional dental veneers are more invasive (often requiring .5 mm of grinding).
Use Lumineers if you aren't convinced you want dental veneers forever and wish to try a temporary solution. Lumineers are easier to remove than traditional veneers and leave no permanent mark on your teeth, which allows you to go back to "natural" if you decide to do so. Traditional dental veneers, however, require that the tooth be ground before application, which means it then needs to be covered by a veneer forever.
Visit the DentalPolls website to watch videos on the application of dental veneers, including several that compare Lumineers to traditional dental veneers (see Resources below). The videos will give you a good idea of what to expect, what the procedure entails and what the final results will be.
Choose Lumineers if you want the cosmetic effect of veneers but cannot afford traditional porcelain veneers. The price difference can be up to 50 percent in some cases, depending on the dentist and how extensive your treatment is. Since Lumineers can be removed without damage to the teeth, you can always replace them later on with traditional dental veneers.
Ask your dentist to compare both types of veneers if you play sports-particularly contact sports. Lumineers are much thinner and can chip more easily, while porcelain veneers are stronger.