How to Have Dental Veneers Fitted
Ask for anesthesia if your teeth are especially sensitive or if you are anxious about the procedure. While the whole process is not particularly painful, it can be bothersome for some people. Acting in advance will help you avoid interruptions once the dental veneers are being fitted.
Schedule your first consultation near the weekend or on a day when you can go home afterward. As part of the first step of having your dental veneers fitted, your dentist will shape and grind the surface of your teeth to prepare them for the veneers. This may cause discomfort in the gums as well as some tooth sensitivity, so you'll want to rest after this appointment.
Ask the doctor to explain how to care for your teeth between appointments. After teeth have been ground, they will be covered with a temporary veneer, often bonded to your teeth with a light cement. To avoid losing the temporary veneers or causing damage to your teeth, you should take special care when eating hard foods, flossing or doing certain activities, such as playing sports.
Schedule your second appointment, by which time the dental veneers will have been fabricated and shaped. How long this takes depends on the laboratory and the technology available to your dentist. (Most cosmetic dentists contract to an outside laboratory for this work.) During this appointment, you will have the veneers fitted.
Have your dental veneers permanently bonded to your teeth. This may involve a second reshaping session, depending on how well the veneers fit. Once the surface of the tooth is ready, the dentist will bond the veneer using a permanent cement and a sealing light to secure it.