How to Understand the Drawbacks of Dental Veneers
Dental veneers are placed over the teeth to improve their appearance. They are a thin layer of restorative material such as porcelain or composite resin that is bonded to the teeth with special cement. Long-term veneers have been available since the 1980s and have become popular. You should also understand the drawbacks of dental veneers when considering this procedure.Instructions
Learn that this process is irreversible. Veneers require a layer of enamel to be removed so they may be bonded to the tooth. Therefore, these teeth will always need veneers. The reduced layer of enamel also may cause your teeth to become more sensitive to heat and cold.
Expect veneers to be significantly more expensive than teeth-whitening treatments or composite resin bonding. Porcelain veneers generally cannot be repaired and must be replaced if they become damaged. Even if they do not become damaged, they will usually need to be re-bonded in 5 to 10 years.
Realize that the color of the veneers is permanent after they become attached and may not exactly match your other teeth. You will not be able to whiten your teeth once you have veneers put on.
Prepare for a full crown if you get a cavity on a tooth with a veneer. These teeth are still subject to decay, which cannot be treated until the veneer is removed.
Consider your personal habits before getting veneers. You are not a good candidate for this procedure if you bite your nails or grind your teeth in your sleep.