What are the indications of leopolds manuever?

Leopold's maneuvers are a series of four physical examination techniques used to assess the position, presentation, and engagement of the fetus in the uterus during pregnancy. They are typically performed by a healthcare provider during the third trimester of pregnancy.

The indications of Leopold's maneuvers include:

* To determine the lie of the fetus (longitudinal or transverse)

* To determine the presentation of the fetus (cephalic or breech)

* To determine the engagement of the fetus (engaged or floating)

* To estimate the fetal weight

* To identify any abnormalities in the fetal position or presentation

Leopold's first maneuver:

* The healthcare provider places their hands on the mother's abdomen, one hand above the pubic bone and the other hand below the umbilicus.

* The healthcare provider then gently presses down on the abdomen with both hands to feel for the fetal head.

* If the fetal head is engaged in the pelvis, it will be felt as a hard, round object below the umbilicus.

Leopold's second maneuver:

* The healthcare provider places their hands on the mother's abdomen, one hand on each side of the uterus.

* The healthcare provider then gently presses down on the abdomen with both hands to feel for the fetal back.

* The fetal back will be felt as a firm, smooth surface.

Leopold's third maneuver:

* The healthcare provider places their hands on the mother's abdomen, one hand above the fundus of the uterus and the other hand below the fundus.

* The healthcare provider then gently presses down on the abdomen with both hands to feel for the fetal buttocks.

* The fetal buttocks will be felt as a soft, round object above the fundus.

Leopold's fourth maneuver:

* The healthcare provider places their hands on the mother's abdomen, one hand on each side of the fetus.

* The healthcare provider then gently presses down on the abdomen with both hands to feel for the fetal extremities.

* The fetal extremities will be felt as small, movable objects.

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