The Average Price for Porcelain Veneers
Number of Veneers
The price of porcelain veneers depends primarily on how many veneers you desire. The cost of the procedure is priced per tooth. On average, each veneer will cost between $700 and $2,000. Other factors that influence the cost include the size, shape and type of veneers you choose. Your dentist will help you decide what kind of veneers are right for your teeth.
Other fees
The cost of porcelain veneers is more than the cost of installation. There are other fees you'll need to pay, including an initial consultation fee and the cost of X-rays. Typically, the cost is around $65 to $102 for the consultation, and $13 to $135 for the X-rays.
In most cases, dental insurance will not cover the cost of porcelain veneers. Insurance companies consider veneers a cosmetic procedure, not one that is necessary for your health. However, your state dental society may provide you financial assistance if you are a low-income patient.