Is it Possible to Whiten Veneers?
Color of the Veneer
If the combination of veneer and its cement are translucent, what lies underneath will show through and influence the final color.
Teeth Whitening
Whitening the underlying tooth beforehand may be effective if you want the veneer to appear lighter. Your dentist may recommend a method like tray-based whitening at home.
Darker Teeth
If your own teeth are dark and you whiten them, you may like the color and decide against getting the veneer.
Opaque Veneers
More opaque veneers help to hide darker colors underneath. If you whiten your teeth, the veneer will not have to be as opaque and its final appearance will look more natural.
Ask Your Dentist
Other than whitening, there is a try-in stage before your dentist cements the veneer during which you can discuss the cement color. You can't change the color afterward.