Porcelain Veneers in Children
Porcelain veneers are a form of cosmetic dentistry in which a wafer-thin porcelain shell is custom fitted to the tooth and placed over or around it to mask its imperfections. The porcelain veneer is then held in place by bonding agents that bond to the tooth's enamel, making the porcelain stronger. They were created as a less invasive, aesthetic option to crowns. Porcelain veneers may also be referred to as dental veneers, dental porcelain and porcelain laminates.
Before choosing porcelain veneers for children it is important to know the dentist's methods. The more conservative approach requires little or no dental reduction, leaving all or most of the original tooth and enamel. The more aggressive approach requires drastic reduction of the tooth that may include removal of more enamel and dentin. Pediatric Dentist Fred S. Margolis recommends the conservative approach when possible, listing the benefits as "no anesthetic, no pain, and the removal of little or no tooth structure in providing a long-lasting and cost-effective restoration."
Baby teeth hold space for permanent teeth and are important part of speech development, so it is important for children to maintain as much original tooth structure as possible. All or more of the original tooth and enamel can be preserved with porcelain veneers as compared to other options such as crowns. The preservation of the original tooth allows for easier reversal of the procedure. Porcelain is also less noticeable. Its color can be matched to the surrounding teeth and maintain a natural looking transparency.
Porcelain veneers are only for aesthetic purposes. They cannot be used to cover unhealthy teeth with conditions such as tooth decay and gum disease. Another disadvantage for children is that porcelain veneers chip and break easier with bruxism (teeth-grinding), and nearly 50 percent of children grind their teeth at night.