Amalgam Mercury Detox
Mercury Toxicity
Mercury is a potent neurotoxin and environmental pollutant that has been removed from various consumer products in recent decades. Dental fillings containing mercury (amalgams) have been used in dentistry for over a century, and are still used today. Recently, concerns have been raised about their possible role in various health conditions, including multiple sclerosis, chronic fatigue and ALS (Lou Gehrig's Disease).
Mercury toxicity can make its presence known immediately after an acute exposure or over time with chronic low-level exposure. Symptoms often include blurred vision, tremor, and numbness and tingling in the extremities, but virtually any organ system can be affected.
Mercury Detox Methods
The first step in mercury detox is removing the source of exposure, the amalgam fillings. Choose a dentist trained in safe amalgam removal to help prevent unnecessary exposure during the procedure.
Perhaps the most important component of mercury detox is chelation--the process by which mercury is removed from the body. There are several chelating agents to choose from, including EDTA, DMSO, DMPS and DMSA. They may be administered orally or intravenously with a doctor's supervision. Supplementing the diet with natural chelators like liquid zeolite, garlic, vitamin C and cilantro can also be helpful in removing mercury from the body. Maintaining sufficient levels of calcium, magnesium and other essential minerals is especially important during this time to replace stores lost through chelation.
Because mercury often damages the gut, supplementing with fiber, chlorella and other bowel-healing substances is recommended. The colon is a major route of exit for mercury, making healthy intestinal function doubly important in the healing process. According to, supplements containing the probiotic acidophilus help balance intestinal flora and eliminate Candida yeast overgrowth---a common ailment in mercury-toxic people.
Safety Considerations
When improperly done, chelation therapy can result in kidney failure and other health emergencies. To reduce these risks, consult a medical professional trained in chelation therapy and follow your chosen mercury-removal protocol carefully.