My period is usually heavy and have been having it every month but this im barely bleeding its a light brown doesnt fill pad just like spots when i wipe nothing whats mean?
* Hormonal imbalances: Hormonal changes, such as those that occur during pregnancy, menopause, or when starting or stopping birth control pills, can cause changes in menstrual bleeding patterns.
* Thyroid problems: Thyroid issues, such as hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism, can affect the menstrual cycle.
* PCOS: Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a hormonal disorder that can cause irregular periods, heavy bleeding, and other symptoms.
* Uterine abnormalities: Certain conditions, such as uterine fibroids, polyps, or cancer, can cause changes in menstrual bleeding.
* Trauma or infection: Injury or infection to the reproductive organs can also lead to abnormal bleeding.
* Medications: Some medications, such as blood thinners or chemotherapy drugs, can affect menstrual bleeding.
It's important to note that light or irregular bleeding is not always a cause for concern, but it's always a good idea to see a doctor if you're experiencing any unusual changes in your menstrual cycle. Your doctor can help determine the cause of your light bleeding and recommend appropriate treatment, if necessary.