How to Remove Mercury Amalgam Dental Filings
Consult with your holistic dentist on steps you can take with nutrition before the day of the removal of the amalgams. She may recommend you undergo a whole-foods, high- fiber vegan diet for a full week before your appointment to cleanse the body of accumulated heavy metals.
Ask your dentist about what other nutritional support you can take before the mercury amalgam removal. She may ask you take a specific amount of Vitamins A, B complex, C, E, selenium, zinc picolinate, magnesium and CoEnzyme Q-10. These are antioxidants. She may recommend you take charcoal tablets found in health foods stores. Many holistic dentists will also advise patients to take glutathione, methionine, garlic extract, probiotics, flax seed oil, lecithin and chlorella. Chelation therapy uses EDTA synthetic amino acid that helps the body detoxify the blood of heavy metals, including mercury and can only be performed by medical staff.
Ask you holistic dentist before removal what protocols she will be using. The International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology (IAOMT) recommends that fillings are kept cool during removal. This is done by keeping a cool water spray actively running in the corner of the mouth during the procedure. Using a dental dam is optional according to the IAOMT but greatly reduces the likelihood of small mercury amalgam pieces from being accidentally swallowed.
Ask your dentist what you should do during the procedure. She may ask you to breathe through your nose and not your mouth to reduce the risk of mercury vapor being inhaled. Once the mercury amalgams are removed, air suction and water spray should be applied, and your dental bib and any other dental apparel should be changed.