Class II mod amalgum cavity preparation step by step?
1. Outline Form
* Begin with a round bur and place a retention groove (RG) in the central fossa and an anti-rotation groove (ARG) in the buccal and lingual sulci.
* Extend to slightly beyond the proximal contacts.
* Next, extend the outline into the proximal box using either:
* A round bur
* An inverted cone bur
* An Endo Z bur
2. Resistance Form
* Remove sufficient enamel to create all walls at 90 degrees to the direction of the anticipated occlusal force.
3. Retention Form
* A dovetail is recommended for this type of cavity.
4. Convenience Form
* Create sufficient access for both instrumentation and restoration
5. Pulp Protection
* Ensure enough dentin is removed to make a layer of cement about 0.5mm thick.
6. Preparation Finish
* With a finishing bur remove any sharp angles from the cavity margins and smooth out any irregularities of the cavity walls.
7. Clean and Isolate the cavity
* Rinse with water and remove debris with an air-water syringe and cotton wool and then isolate with either cotton rolls or rubber dam if necessary.