How to Use Spherical Silver Amalgam
Schedule an appointment with your dentist. If fillings are required, ask your dentist to explain the procedure. Your dentist will answer all of your questions and alleviate any fears you have.
Anticipate that your doctor will prepare the tooth for the filling by removing all the decay. The techniques to remove the decayed areas vary among dentists. You may receive numbing or gas anesthesia prior to any work being done on your tooth. Once the decay is removed, your dentist will contour the inside of your tooth in preparation for the filling.
Notice your dental professionals will wear a mask and gloves when they mix spherical silver amalgam. Because it contains mercury, contact with skin and inhalation of fumes must be avoided. Your dentist will move away from you while the amalgam is being prepared. Once the mixing process is completed, spherical silver amalgam is safe to use in your mouth.
Expect your dentist to use specialized instruments to fill your cavity with the spherical silver amalgam. The material will be compressed tightly into your cavity, then shaped to resemble your tooth's normal appearance. Once shaping is completed, your tooth will be polished to remove any rough edges. The spherical silver amalgam begins to harden once it is placed into the cavity.
Get advice from your dentist on how to care for your new filling. Your dentist will provide written directions for follow-up care. Ask when you may resume chewing on your new filling. A soft diet may be recommended. Be cautious if a numbing anesthetic was used as this poses a choking risk when eating or drinking. It is also important to find out when you can resume brushing and flossing.