Options for Dental Fillings
Amalgam Filling
Amalgam fillings contain roughly 50 percent mercury. The other half of the filling consists of a mixture of tin, zinc, silver and copper. Amalgam fillings are the cheapest type of filling because the materials are cheaper and because the procedure takes less time.
Amalgams are also known as silver fillings, because they are a grayish-silver color. Amalgams don't bond with the tooth. They act more like a wedge that fills the open space in a tooth. Because of this, the dentist has to remove some healthy tooth material to create a ledge to keep the filling in place. This, along with the color and mercury content, are the drawbacks of amalgam fillings.
Composite Resin Filling
Composite resin fillings consist of plastic and glass. They match the color of teeth, so they appear much more natural than amalgam fillings. Most people cannot tell that a composite resin is not part of the natural tooth.
Composite resin fillings actually bond to the teeth, which allows the dentist to remove only bad portions of the tooth. Drawbacks to composite resin fillings include possible shrinkage and less durability. The composite material may shrink, which can cause bacteria to form beneath the filling, resulting in possible decay. Composite material may provide lower durability when compared to other filling materials, which could result in more frequent filling replacements.
Gold Fillings
Gold fillings come in two varieties: cast gold and gold foil. Cast gold fillings require the dentist to make an impression of your tooth to produce the filling. A temporary filling keeps the tooth protected until the second visit when the dentist places the cast gold filling.
Gold foil is used on smaller areas of teeth with lower exposure to the stress and force of chewing. Gold foil requires more skillful placement by the dentist; it can damage the gums if placed improperly.
Both gold filling options cost more than composite and amalgam fillings due to the more time-intensive nature of the filling and the more expensive material. Gold filling advantages include durability and no risk of corrosion.
Ceramic Fillings
Ceramic fillings most commonly consist of porcelain, although other materials may be used. Ceramic fillings provide durability, natural tooth color and resistance to staining. They are, however, more prone to cracking and chipping than other materials. Sometimes ceramic fillings necessitate healthy tooth material removal; ceramic needs a certain amount of bulk for durability.
Ceramic fillings range in price, but they usually cost roughly the same or a little more than composite resin fillings. They can, however, cost as much as gold fillings if comprised of more expensive materials.
Glass Ionomer
Glass ionomer consists of a glass component, fluoroaluminosilicate and acrylic. This material most often fills small areas close to the root of a tooth or flat surfaces on the incisors, bicuspids and canines. Sometimes glass ionomer combines with composite resin fillings for a hybrid filling, which offers some of the advantages of both styles.
The drawbacks for glass ionomer fillings include lower durability and a less precise color match to natural teeth. They cost roughly the same as composite resin fillings.