How to Replace Silver Dental Fillings
Things You'll Need
- 3,000 mg of vitamin C
- Activated charcoal
- Ceramic (porcelain)
- Composite resin
- Dental bur
- Dental drill
- Gauze
- Glass ionomer
- Gold alloy
- High volume evacuation (HVE) tool
- HVE Clean Up suction tip
- Oxygen or piped in air
- Respirators
- Room air purifier
- Rubber dam
- Rubber gloves
- Surgical drape or moist paper towels
Take 3,000 mg of vitamin C. Using this vitamin prior to removing silver amalgam fillings works to boost antioxidants and protect you nutritionally from the mercury, according to Natural News Network.
Wear a respirator and rubber gloves. Dentists and assistants should wear respirators (not regular hygienic masks) to avoid inhaling any mercury-containing particles. Rubber gloves are preferred over latex or vinyl. The IAOMT points out that mercury vapors can go through vinyl and latex gloves.
Install a rubber (not vinyl or latex) dam on the patient. This, along with a surgical drape or moist paper towels over the patient's face will help to protect him from the mercury.
Use a dental drill to dislodge the filling. The IAOMT recommends slicing the old amalgam across and dislodging it in big chunks rather than grinding it so that less material is aerosolized, reducing danger of exposure to the patient and the dental health care professionals.
Spray the area with a constant water stream. This will keep the area cool, reducing the vapors produced from the mercury.
Suction constantly. The best way to remove mercury vapors is with high volume evacuation (HVE). It should remain on near the patient's tooth throughout the procedure, including cleanup. Dentists should also consider using a special HVE Clean-Up suction tip that has an enclosure on the end, surrounding the entire tooth.
Provide oxygen or piped-in air to the patient. Giving either oxygen or piped-in air through the nose will help the patient to avoid breathing in amalgam particles and mercury vapors through the mouth.
Use a room air purifier. This will help to remove mercury vapors and particulates.
Remove any decay. After the silver (amalgam) filling is removed, the dentist should check for and drill away any remaining decay.
Shape the space in preparation for a new filling.
Place the new filling. Choose from composite resin (a mix of fine glass and plastic), gold alloy, ceramic (porcelain) or glass ionomer (acrylic plus an element of glass called fluoro aluminosilicate).
Polish the tooth. A bur will be used to smooth the surface.
Take activated charcoal after the procedure. Natural News Network recommends taking two capsules after the procedure because this substance helps to absorb heavy metals.