How to Prevent Gum Swelling

Gum swelling is identified by puffiness, inflammation, or enlargement of the gum area in any part of your mouth. Swollen gums are most often found in a triangular pattern surrounding affected areas.

The best remedy for swollen gums is preventative care. Good oral hygiene, proper nutrition, and understanding the risk of developing this type of oral issue, will help prevent gum problems, including periodontitis.

Things You'll Need

  • Toothpaste
  • Toothbrush
  • Dental floss
  • Health diet
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  1. Oral Hygiene

    • 1
      Brush you teeth twice daily with a soft toothbrush

      Brush your teeth with a soft toothbrush twice a day. Soft toothbrushes prevent wearing away of enamel and any damage that may be caused by harsh brushing. Use a toothpaste that promotes gum health and prevents plaque build-up.

    • 2
      Floss twice daily after brushing.

      Floss your teeth after brushing twice daily. Use a long thread of dental floss and maneuver it through the crevices between each of your teeth. Close your mouth slightly for better access to hard-to-reach places in the back of your mouth.

    • 3
      Rinse your mouth with moutwash to prevent gum swelling.

      Rinse your mouth with a mouthwash that prevents gum disease and gingivitis. Use a capful of mouthwash and swish it around in your mouth for at least 30 seconds. Do this everyday after brushing and flossing.

    • 4
      Visit your dental care professional 1 or 2 times per year.

      Visit your dentist regularly for cleanings and check-ups. The American Dental Association recommends you visit your dentist 1 or 2 times per year for regular preventative oral care.

    Proper Nutrition

    • 5
      Eat a healthy diet to prevent gum swelling.

      Eat nutrient-rich whole foods daily for greater oral health. Consume fresh fruits and vegetables, lean protein sources, healthy fatty acids, and sprouted whole grains. Supplement your diet with a quality multivitamin, to ensure you receive all the vitamins and mineral required for gum health.

    • 6
      Avoid sugars, processed foods, and foods that stick in your teeth.

      Avoid processed foods, simple table sugars, and foods that stick in your teeth. Sugars cause tooth decay, resulting in symptoms like swollen gums. Foods with sharp pieces or that stick, can also cause issues with your gums, so it's best to avoid them. If you do eat any of these foods, follow up with proper oral care immediately.

    • 7
      Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated and prevent dry mouth.

      Drink plenty of water each day to keep your mouth moist and avoid bacterial growth along the gum line. Saliva protects the soft and hard tissue in your mouth, so dry mouth prevention is imperative.

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