How to Deal With a Child's Loose Tooth
Every child -- and his parents -- eventually needs to learn how to deal with loose teeth. A lot of misinformation circulates about how to deal with a loose tooth. Losing teeth is a natural process and, if left alone, teeth will fall out without any difficulty. But with a little knowledge, you can help your child get a tooth out easily and without pain. The key is to keep him or her from getting scared during the process.Instructions
Encourage your child to wiggle the loose tooth himself. Show him how to use his tongue to wiggle it but don't try to grab the tooth and wiggle it yourself.
Remind your child to keep his mouth clean by brushing regularly even when he has loose teeth.
Apply a cold compress to your child's jaw if he experiences any soreness when the tooth is loose.
Make sure your child washes his hands before putting his hands in his mouth if he wants to wiggle the tooth by hand.
Allow the tooth to fall out on its own. If it is so loose that your child can pull it out on his own without causing any pain, allow him to do so. If there is any bleeding, apply pressure with some gauze until it stops.