Alternative Toothpastes
SLS-Free Toothpaste
Switching to toothpaste that contains no sulfur lauryl solfate, or SLS, can often result in reduced mouth sensitivity and canker sores. SLS is a foaming dispersant commonly found in most toothpastes. Research conducted by Herlofsopn and Barkvoll concluded that when study participants brushed with an SLS-containing toothpaste they had a higher frequency of canker sores than those who used an SLS-free toothpaste. If you frequently experience canker sores you may suffer from sensitivity to SLS. Many different brands of SLS-free toothpaste are available, with and without fluoride.
Xylitol Toothpaste
Xylitol is a natural sweetener and sugar substitute frequently used in alternative toothpastes. Xylitol helps control the growth of mutans streptococci, the bacteria known to promote tooth decay and cavities. It can also promote the remineralization of your teeth, which makes the enamel stronger and less prone to cavities. A 10-year study of Xylitol, published in the "International Dental Journal" concluded that xylitol-containing products are valuable in the prevention of dental cavities among people of all ages. To achieve the benefits of xylitol, you should use at least 6 grams of xylitol daily, according to research published in the "Journal of Dental Research." To locate a toothpaste with significant levels of xylitol, choose one with xylitol listed as one of the first few ingredients, preferably first or second.
Peelu Toothpaste
The fibrous branches of the Peelu tree have been used as toothbrushes in Asia and the Middle East for centuries. These sticks make an effective dental brush. A study published in "Oral Health and Preventative Dentistry" found that using a Peelu stick was more effective than a toothbrush in removing plaque. Peelu possesses antimicrobial and antiseptic medicinal properties, which may be the reason it is so effective. A smaller number of toothpastes contain peelu than xylitol, so it may take some searching to find one you like.
Tea Tree Oil Toothpaste
Tea tree essential oil is widely used for its antifungal, antibacterial and antiseptic properties. It exhibits powerful antibacterial effects against the oral bacteria responsible for dental cavities and disease to the surrounding and supportive structures of teeth, according to research published in "Oral Microbiology and Immunology." Many alternative toothpastes use this powerful ingredient and it is also frequently used in natural mouthwashes. Look for toothpastes with tea tree or melaleuca listed in the ingredient list.