What Are the Ways of Anchoring Dentures in the Mouth?
Fixed Dentures
Implants require a surgical procedure. The problem of anchoring dentures can be solved in some cases by implanting dentures or bonding them to real teeth. These are known as fixed dentures. Dental implants are artificial roots that are set in holes drilled in the jaw and secured by gum tissue. These implants are firm anchors which can be used as platforms for synthetic teeth. Synthetic teeth can also be set in bridges, which are bonded to the real teeth which abut the gap requiring to be filled. A number of different types of bridges are in use.
Removable Dentures
Removable dentures have some advantages over fixed dentures. They do not require a surgical procedure, and they can be removed for cleaning or simply for comfort. One way to ensure the security of removable dentures is by using one of the many commercially available adhesives. These bonding creams are preferably non-water-soluble and resistant to the action of saliva. They are applied to the dental plate, which is then inserted in the mouth and secured by biting firmly. An alternative is to use a dental fixative, a paste applied to the dentures which forms an adhesive when naturally mixed with saliva.
Removable Dentures Without Adhesive
Well-fitted dentures can be held in place by suction. Well-fitting removable dentures can often be kept in place by natural suction. Some commercially available suction devices can improve this effect by removing small air pockets from the space between the dentures and the jaw. As dentures age and become worn, they may fit less well. Lack of cleaning as well as lack or oral hygiene may also affect the snug fit. Dentures can be repaired and refurbished to restore their original shape and retentiveness. Even so, many denture-wearers do not feel confident without the added security of adhesive or fixative.
Implanted Removable Dentures
A compromise between fixed and removable dentures is available. Miniature dental implants can be sunk into the toothless jaw bone with their spherical tips exposed, and the bridge holding the synthetic teeth can be designed to snap into place over the tips. This procedure affords considerable security while also making it possible to remove the dental plate for cleaning or comfort.