What Kind of Dental Problems Are Caused by Chewing Gum?
Temporomandibular Joint Disorder
Most gum companies talk about the longevity of their gum products, seldom mentioning the disadvantages or detrimental effects this could have on your jaw. Chewing gum for long periods of time can cause stress to your jawline, which can lead to temporomandibular joint disorder. TMJ can cause severe facial pain and mild to moderate discomfort in the neck, ears and back. In addition, TMJ can cause headaches. The disorder is hard to cure, especially if the continuous chewing of gum occurs.
Tooth Decay
Chewing gum can have negative effects on your teeth after prolonged usage, such as the destruction of enamel by active bacteria in the mouth and sugar and food particles. Tooth decay is a common problem associated with chewing gum and generally occurs when the tooth's enamel has been mildly, moderately or severely damaged by the gum's ingredients. Tooth decay can lead to cavities and, in extreme cases, the loss of a tooth due to needed extraction.
Plaque is a clear biofilm of buildup on the teeth that can lead to both tooth decay and gum disease. Chewing gum or eating any food can cause plaque to form. After consuming food or chewing gum, plaque can formulate on the teeth within a few hours. The bacteria found in plaque can directly lead to tooth decay. If plaque is not removed from teeth quickly enough through brushing and flossing, bacteria can calcify, turn in to tartar and eventually lead to gingivitis if left untreated.
Sugar-Free Gum Consideration
While sugary gum can can be detrimental to your dental health, sugar-free gum acts as a positive alternative. If chewed in moderation, the surface of the calorie-free gum can help remove food particles and remnants of sugar from between the teeth and gums. In addition, sugar-free gum contains xylitol, a natural sweetener that is found in fruits, plants and trees. Xylitol can help reduce the risk of cavities because it blocks bacteria's ability to stick to teeth effectively.