How to Soak Dentures Correctly

Dentures today are a far cry from the poor fitting, clicking choppers of yesterday. Today, dentures are all but invisible to all except the wearer. The materials they are made from and the way they are fit make them comfortable, easy to care for and allow no odd speech patterns caused by improperly fit dentures. Many people only remove their dentures while they are cleaning them. Modern dentures can last a lifetime if cleaned daily and cared for properly. Following these care secrets and methods of soaking should help the longevity of your dentures.

Things You'll Need

  • Towel
  • Sink
  • Denture brush or small toothbrush
  • Denture paste or regular toothpaste
  • Denture cup
  • Dental cleaning tablets that are placed in water
  • White vinegar
  • Mouthwash
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      Make care of your dentures as much a part of your cleaning routine as brushing your teeth and flossing would be. Spend a few minutes each morning and before bedtime taking care of your dentures.

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      Rinse the dentures under cool running water after each meal. Place the dentures back in your mouth. You can rinse with mouthwash as you would have with natural teeth. Mouthwash will not harm dentures.

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      Remove your dentures next to the sink before bedtime. Lay a towel in your sink and run water into the basin of the sink so that if you drop your dentures, they will land on the towel or in the water and not on the porcelain of the sink.

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      Use a denture brush or a small toothbrush and denture cream or regular toothpaste to clean every part of the dentures using a small circular motion. Pay particular attention in between the teeth where food may have become lodged.

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      Soak dentures with a commercial denture cleaning solution that is made from dropping a tablet into water, which releases the cleaning properties of the tablet. You also can use ½ cup of warm water mixed with ½ cup of white vinegar.

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      Make sure you use a cup made from lightweight plastic or glass to soak your dentures. Leave the dentures soaking while you finish preparing for bed and then rinse well in cool water before replacing them in your mouth or allow them to soak overnight. Clean the toothbrush and the denture cup thoroughly after each use to prevent the buildup of bacteria and odors.

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